Aquatectura : Project development & feasibility study
Duration : 2016-2019
Location : Germany-Belgium
Year : 2018
In the HypoWave research project, various plants (from lettuces and herbs to vegetables and ornamental plants) are produced in a hydroponic system using treated municipal wastewater. The resource-saving plant production with or without a greenhouse is aimed at use in rural regions. In close cooperation with local actors in the field of water, agriculture and rural development, design scenarios and business models are being developed in different regions and examined for their feasibility.
In cooperation with ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research, viable forms of cooperation for sustainable hydroponic crop production and its possible integration into the landscape will be explored.
As a result of 2 years of interdisciplinary and close community cooperation, a feasibility study for an ornamental plant greenhouse in the Three-Country Park region of Germany-Belgium-Netherlands was produced. Aquatectura developed a “landscape toolbox” for the site of the municipality of Raeren in Belgium, which integrates greenhouse modules and other building blocks for water-sensitive landscape development. This toolbox approach was transferred to another HypoWave case study in the district of Gifhorn, a water-scarce region in the state of Lower Saxony. Various visualisations show how hydroponic greenhouses can be integrated into the landscape aesthetically and creatively via the resource flows linked with short-rotation plantations or reed polders.
Publications (in German):
The brochures with the results of the feasibility studies are available online free of charge, click here to download!
Our article “Der Landschaftsbaukasten. Flächensensibles Wasserrecycling durch hydroponische Gewächshäuser” has been published in the journal STADT+GRÜN 12/2019. Info here!
More information: http://www.hypowave.de
Photos/Grafics: (c) HypoWave & aquatectura