Biomass / Landscape / Quality
Aquatectura : Doctorate Anja Brüll
Duration : 2008-2015
Location : Leuphana University Lüneburg
Year : 2015
Dissertation and book publication:
“Biomass – a renewable energy source? Sustainble complementary biomass (re)production through Landscape Quality Management”
Disputation: 10/06/2015
Supervisor // Peer reviewer:
Prof. Dr. Sabine Hofmeister, Fakulty of Sustainability, Institute for Sustainability Governance, Environmental Planning, Leuphana University Lueneburg
Prof. Dr. Helga Kanning, Fakulty of Architecture and Landscape, Department Spatial Planning and Regional Development, Sustainable Territorial and Environmental Development, Leibnitz University Hannover
Scholarship: Reiner Lemoine Stiftung
Brüll, A. (2015): Biomass – a renewable energy source? Sustainable complementary biomass (re)production through Landscape Quality Management. Dissertation, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg. Schriftenreihe der Reiner Lemoine-Stiftung. Aachen: Shaker Verlag, ISBN: 9783844039597
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Cover image: “Composition with reed”, Karin Koch