Aquatectura : Project idea and project development 2011-2013
Duration : 2013-2016
Location : Berlin
Year : 2016
The ROOF WATER-FARM pilot research (2013-2016/17) successfully tested and developed building-integrated recirculating technologies for rooftop greenhouse irrigation and fertilisation. The focus was on aquaculture and hydroponic farm types (aquaponics, hydroponics) for fish and plant production on rooftops. The hygienically safe treatment of rainwater, grey water and black water as a sustainable alternative to the use of drinking water and artificial fertiliser was one of the goals of the applied research. In addition, urban studies examined the further transferability – from the building to the neighbourhood to the city as a whole – as well as the suitability of the modular technologies for everyday use. Communication and training media were designed for specific target groups.
Today, the project is independent and is operated by our team as a living laboratory – the ROOF WATER-FARM greenhouse is a showcase, experimental and learning space as well as an incubator for circular urban and infrastructure design.
More Information:
Million, A./ Bürgow, G./ Steglich, A. (2016): Urban Waters for Urban Agriculture – ROOF WATER-FARMs as Participatory and Multifunctional Infrastructure. In: Sustainable Urban Agriculture and Food Planning, Rob Roggema (ed.), Book Chapter 9, pp. 142-165. Routledge, New York. ISBN: 978-1-138-18308-7
Steglich, A./ Bürgow, G. /Million, A (2020): Optimising aquaculture in urban agriculture. In: Wiskerke, H. (ed.): Achieving sustainable urban agriculture. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. ISBN 978-1-78676-316-7
In German:
Handbuch: Million, A.; Bürgow, G.; Steglich, A. (Hrsg.) (2018): ROOF WATER-FARM. Urbanes Wasser für urbane Landwirtschaft. TU Berlin, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-7983-2986-7 (print), ISBN 978-3-7983-2987-4 (online)
ROOF WATER-FARM Sonderpublikation: Raber, W./ Nolde, E./ Gehrke, I./ Dott, W./ Dinske, J. (2020): Hygienische Aspekte gebäudeintegrierter Farmwirtschaft in Verbindung mit gebäudeintegriertem Wasserrecycling. In: Million, A.; Bürgow, G.; Steglich, A. (Hrsg.) (2020). TU Berlin. Berlin.
Bürgow, G./ Franck, V./ Höfler, J./ Million, A./ Steglich, A. (2017): ROOF WATER-FARM – ein Baustein klimasensibler und kreislauforientierter Stadtentwicklung. In: Kost, S./ Kölking, Ch. (Hrsg.): Transitorische Stadtlandschaften – Welche Landwirtschaft braucht die Stadt?, Springer Verlag, Reihe Hybride Metropolen, Wiesbaden. ISBN 978-3-658-13725-0 (print) ISBN 978-3-658-13726-7 (eBook)
Further publications:
Photos/Grafics: (c) ROOF WATER-FARM