Aquatectura : Operation & Management
Location : Berlin
Year : 2022
Since 2022, our aquatectura Studio Berlin is the new owner of the ROOF WATER-FARM (RWF) greenhouse in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The former research project is now a real laboratory of the StadtManufaktur der TU Berlin. We are pleased to continue to cooperate closely with TU Berlin here and offer joint tours, workshops and applied educational formats for sustainable development.
In the middle of Berlin, not far from Potsdamer Platz, we produce salads, herbs, vegetables for self-sufficiency and also seedlings for our newly growing vertical farms in the city in various hydroponic farm modules in an ultra-local, highly productive and very space-saving way. The place sees itself as an incubator and communicator for urban transformation.
We cooperate with newly founded RWF StartUp ventures, such as HydroTower, in practical greenhouse operations. HydroTower is part of our TU Berlin research project initiative “Reallabor for Mobile Blue-Green Infrastructure” and the project GartenLeistungen. The MBGI living lab is a further development of the RWF project approach in the sense of a mobile “Closed Loop Water-Farming”.
In the neighbourhood “Block 6” (name of the IBA 1987 – International Building Exhibition) on site, we also cooperate very closely with the company Nolde & Partner. As operators of the “RWF Water House”, our colleagues ensure the everyday high-quality local production of process water, which is used directly on site and instead of drinking water, e.g. for flushing toilets. In the water house, 70% of the everyday waste water of the neighbourhood – the so-called grey water of about 250 residents (from showers, washbasins, dishwashers, washing machines and kitchens) – is transformed into almost drinking water quality in the middle of the yard in just one day. This high-quality service water saves water costs and conserves precious drinking water and thus also natural ecosystems in the city.
In this way, we can also produce edible greens in the ROOF WATER-FARM greenhouse in a very water-sensitive, climate- and cycle-friendly way and show visitors during guided tours and workshops how these circular building blocks can also fit into their own neighbourhoods or even onto their own balconies.